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Traveling Girl


                  Make your vacation worry free!

  1. PASSPORT - make sure your passport ( if needed) is current; 6 months or more from expiration.

  2. Remember another form of ID, drivers license recommended.

  3. Take a paper copy of your travel documents; flight information, itinerary... just in case.

  4. Pack everything of value in your carry-on luggage/backpack/large purse. This includes your travel documents, prescription medication, glasses and other expensive accessories. If your luggage is lost temporarily, you could experience problems that could be easily prevented. (I also throw my swim-suit in my carry-on)

  5. Remember a Credit Card! All destinations accept current CC

  6. Take twice as much money and half as many clothes as you think you’ll need. Dollar bills are great for tipping! 

  7. Leave a copy of your travel information with someone you trust at home.

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